When considering a career change to marketing and sales, the advantages include flexibility, high pay, stability, and rapid growth. Marketing careers also have the benefit of extreme versatility, job satisfaction, and opportunities for ongoing education. That being said, getting into this highly competitive and lucrative world that is marketing can be challenging depending on your experience and life goals.
As marketing veterans at Focus BC, we understand the challenges of the job, and we offer the support needed to enter this field and advance as a marketer. Our team of diverse individuals works together to create extraordinary brand experiences, and the credit to our success goes to the fantastic work they do for us. Therefore to acknowledge and ensure their growth, we present every member with various opportunities to evolve and grow.
To help you find your niche and guide you towards a career in marketing that will not just be challenging but exciting and fun, we have put together a list of five tips for selecting a marketing firm in which to start your new career.
Tip #1: Check company experience
When considering a career in sales and marketing, the firm you select and join will play a significant part in your progress and prospects. One thing to look at when making your decision is the firm’s experience in question, as this also indicates knowledge, stability, and overall competence.
Tip #2: Check for growth rate
Another metric that will significantly affect your career in sales and marketing is the growth rate. How quickly are you likely to see promotions, what are the incentives to do so? Speak to people who work there and get their opinion, so you know what to expect.
Tip #3: Monetary concerns
While the reputation and growth rate of the marketing firm you choose is essential, the money you will make will determine your quality of life, the ease with which you pay your bills, and ultimately, your state of mind. Hence, it is a good idea to ask how much you would start off making so as to avoid disappointment and disillusionment later on.
Tip #4: Company atmosphere
When you talk about sales and marketing, the approach of the firm, training which they offer recruits, and monetary package are ways to gauge their capability and long-term viability. This said, their atmosphere is sometimes even more essential. A healthy, progressive, and nurturing environment will help you succeed and pretty much guarantee your happiness.
Tip #5: Teamwork
Apart from the work atmosphere of the firm, probably the next most crucial part of the process is looking at the teamwork aspect. You see, none of us can do it alone, and your team members will not only guide you and show you the ropes, but their assistance will also play a significant part in your overall success.
For more tips on how best to find a marketing firm that is suitable for you and helps you succeed, please reach out to Focus BC. We actively believe that marketing is more persuasive than indirect methods and stand out among our competitors because of our strategic marketing approach. We also offer sales and marketing job opportunities across Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, Coquitlam, Langley Township, Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Surrey, White Rock, Delta, and the surrounding areas.
To learn more about our services, please click here. If you have any questions related to sales and marketing, we would love to hear from you. Click here to get in touch with us.